
  • This is a POST method, using this method a client can inform the AutoGuard Fleet System which Vehicle is currently loading the products.

Use Case

  • Use to query to Post Loading Status

Use an HTTP Post request to obtain your vehicles' Current Loading Status:


Request Header

The request header should contain the API Token obtained from the authentication process. Get Access Token.

Header Name Description
Authorization API Token obtained from the 1st step's authentication process.

Request Parameters

The Request should contain the following parameters:

Parameter Name Description Value Format Example
Vehicle ID To load specefic vehicle. numeric 825
Source Id Loading point of specefic vehicle. numeric 2403905
Destination Id Unloading point of specefic vehicle. numeric 2403905
Loading Status Loading Status for loaded specific vehicle. string "LOADED",
Time Loadign complete Date/Time of specefic vehicle. MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt 08/08/2018 11:00 PM

Create PostTruckLoading Object

Below is the PostTruckLoading POST request examples:

    var client = new HttpClient();
    var values = new Dictionary
    "VehicleId": 22643,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "08/08/2018 11:00 PM",
    "VehicleId": 12255,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "08/08/2018 11:00 AM",
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization","Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN")
    var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values);
    var response = await client.PostAsync("", content);
    var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();();

//responseString will contain the response in JSON format

    beforeSend: function(xhrObj){
    xhrObj.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN");
    type: "POST",
    url: "",
    "VehicleId": 22643,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "08/08/2018 11:00 PM",
    "VehicleId": 12255,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "08/08/2018 11:00 AM",
    contentType: "application/json",
    success: function(data){
                    //data object will contain the result as a JSON object

Sample PostTruckLoading Object

    beforeSend: function(xhrObj){
    xhrObj.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN");
    type: "POST",
    url: "",
    "VehicleId": 22643,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "08/08/2018 11:00 PM",
    "VehicleId": 12255,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "08/08/2018 11:00 AM",
    contentType: "application/json",
    success: function(data){
        //data object will contain the result as a JSON object

Sample of Post JSON Data

    "VehicleId": 22643,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "08/08/2018 11:00 AM",
    "VehicleId": 12255,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "08/08/2018 11:00 PM",


A successful request will return the following JSON result:

    "StatusCode": "200",
    "Message": "OK",
    "Data": [
    "VehicleId": 22643,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "2022-10-26T16:00:00",
    "LoadCompleteStatus": "Truck Loaded complete successfully."
    "VehicleId": 12255,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "2022-10-26T16:00:00",
    "LoadCompleteStatus": "Truck route plan not found."
    "VehicleId": 12255,
    "DestinationId": 2403905,
    "SourceId": 2403889,
    "LoadingStatus": "LOADED",
    "Time": "2022-10-26T16:00:00",
    "LoadCompleteStatus": "Truck Loading complete failed."


Test your Post Truck Loading JSON object using your AccessToken by entering it below:

Clicking the test button will send a request to the AutoGuard API and display the result below.